Hello - Thanks a million to all of you who have made the transition over here. I really appreciate that and also the kind words of help and encouragement.
I now need you to do me a favour - Please see if your name or ID is on this list as you need to take some actions.
Alan Nelson = baqcar
Keith Sanders = keithsanders
Mike Pearson = michaelpearson
Nigel Brown = allardv8
Robin Barlow = robinbarlow
Although you have joined Multiply you are not yet members of the Group. To get the most out of the site you need to join the group to be able to initiate threads, get a summary of the latest addition in your Inbox, recieve notifications of activity on the site by email, see the list of members and be able to send them private messages etc etc.
The procedure is simple. While you are on the site you will see "Join this Group" in the right hand menu bar under the Cartoon. Just click on "Join this Group"
You have applied to join the group. However, I have not let you in as you haven't let me know your real name. Please let me know your real name by a private message here or email mleete24@hotmail.com If I don't hear from you by the weekend I will assume you don't want to accept this condition of membership.
Just a reminder that where a member has not chosen to use their real name as their user ID you can look it up in the Key to User ID's that can be found in links.