Monday 2 December 2002

Updates to ACTC Site & Section Begins

Pat has updated the ACTC stite with the Hardy Results, Champiomship tables & Clee regs. There are computer problems in the Toulmin household at the moment so bare with the site until the navigation bars can be restored.
Click here for actc updates
Also check out Andrerwe Browns Marlin updates at Section Begins


  1. The paper (official) copies of the Clee Hills regs were posted to all and sundry this morning (Monday) all 250 of them.     For those of you who cannot wait, please feel free to download from the ACTC site, but note that:- 1) The Regs are laid out so that they look pretty when printed in A5 double sided, so they may not flow quite as you might expect. 2) The entry form has nice pretty underlines to look good on paper.   Please delete these if you fill in the form "on-line" 3) You can "E" filled in forms to me, but your entry is not valid until I have your cash in my grubby mits!   You can include a credit card number & expiry date in the covering message, but please bear in mind that there is no security associated with this informal process and therefore MAC cannot be responsible for any fraud that results from it.     If people think that posting entry forms online is a good thing, we might look to offering a proper  "enter Online" service & take payment by Credit Card.   DON'T FORGET THAT ENTRIES CLOSED BEFORE CHRISTMAS LAST YEAR, SO DON'T DELAY IN RETURNING YOUR FORM HOW EVER YOU CHOOSE TO DO IT 

  2. Pat has e-mailed to say that technological order has been restored in the Toulmin Household and the ACTC web-site has been fixed and the Allen Trial results included. Pats e-mail reminds me to remind everyone about Pat & Jonathans book on the MAC History. It contains some very nice trials stuff and you should all ask Santa for one in your Christmas Stocking. I have read it from cover to cover and still delve into it during bedtime reading. Michael

  3. Major Oops..............   I would like to publicly appologise to Michael Collins for the seriously major cock-up in the Clee Hills Regs which for some completely inexplicable reason show David Haizelden as the overall winner of last year's event.   Sorry Michael - I owe you a pint!.
