Monday 18 December 2000

FWD Kit Cars

Would be interested in your thoughts regarding which class seems appropriate for these cars. Strictly "blue book" speaking they would run in class 7 but would stand little chance of any great success. On the otherhand I'm not sure that class 1 is appropriate either as they (may?) have a significant weight advantage over others.

As the availability of suitable RWD cars diminishes I think we'll see more FWD card in our events. (Suppose could run in Class 1 but with tyre pressure restrictions ??)

Obviously anyone planning to enter with one of these vehicles should contact the Technical Panel but I was just interested what your thoughts are.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Last year I saw a 4 wheel Lomax under a tree that I could have had for nothing.  But then I thought of class 7 (or even 8 if it isn't on the list) and thought again.   In defence of the MCC and ACTC the whole question of classes is very difficult. I guess they are dammed if they do and dammed if they don't!   Michael
