Sunday 10 October 2004

Adrian Marfell

I heard that Adrian had his special turn end over end backwards while comimg down a hill at Ebworth yesterday. Simon told me that his passenger was thrown out and both he and Adrian are in hospital. Does anyone know how they are?


  1. Simon, and maybe others, will have more up-to-date news but my understanding (I was marshalling elsewhere in the Ebworth Woods) was that Adrian had gone to the hospital only to be with his passenger who had a suspected broken collarbone after the special rolled at least once when reversing down a section. Adrian was quite badly shaken-up but was otherwise OK.   I'm sure everyone will want to wish Adrian and his passenger (whose name I do not have, unfortunately, as he is not listed in the programme) a speedy recovery.   Andrew

  2. We did indeed have a bit of a moment in Ebworth yesterday. In fact my special turned itself back on its self and over at about 45  degrees before rolling over some 3 or 4 times. My passenger Arch was thrown from the car during the second roll and was infact squashed by the car. He was taken by ambulance to Gloucester hospital where he was later released with some nasty bruishing to his shoulder and neck. We were both very lucky as the car is quite extensively damaged. Arch and I would both like to thank the organisers ,marshals,competetitors and stewards of the event who diligently and swiftly organised an ambulance and looked after us both. This accident  was by know means a reflection of the event, it was well organised and competitive. My car got tangled with a large root behond the 1 marker which somewhat upset its balance and position on its way back down. Thanks   Ade

  3. I was spectating on the hill at the time of the accident and can assure you it wasn't a nice sight.The organisers and everyone present did very well to look after Ade and Arch and I am very glad to hear both are ok aside from a few bruises.Hope to see you out again soon Ade whichever car it might be in!
    Nick Farmer
