Sunday 19 December 2004

Exmoor Regs

Call me Mr Impatient but has anyone had the regs for the Exmoor?  The Clee Hills is on the 23rd Jan and the Exmoor only a week after.  The Clee regs have been out for ages and we have an entry list already.  Have I missed something obvious or am I just being unecessarily anxious.  I really enjoyed The Exmoor in '04 and don't want to miss it in '05.


  1. no, the regs are not out yet, dont worry they'll send them "dreckly" :-) we dont tend to rush in this neck of the woods!

  2. the entries for the Exmoor are now open, closing date is 22nd jan. The entries secretary is J Hayward, 01271 850570
