Thursday 26 February 2004

BBC Inside Out Bobble hat v 4x4

I am not sure if anybody saw this.
I very baised view. Set in the Yorkshire dales. Basically laying the blame for damage to Green Lanes at the feet of the 4X4 and Motorbike users. The main interviewee quickly acknowledged the fact that the main damage was farmers in 4X4 tractors and walkers caused just as much damaged on roads were no mechaised transport went. A group of bikers pointed out the fact that vehicles were only allowed of 5% of all unmade roads. They even manged to trap a couple of mountain bikers into giving the motorised user a slagging. While is traffic was only on the lane it was stated that the whole field was ruined.
Clever stuff and very baised. How many week before 19th March and DEFRA wasn't mentioned at all
Please follow the link as the Beeb have put up a "Have your say".

1 comment:

  1. I saw the program, and thought that Alan Kind (LARA) did a good job of defending our corner under very difficult circumstances.    There was one amusing bit where the "local" was standing in a puddle with the water up to his thighs and saying " this was not a tractor,  this was a Land-Rover"     I bet there are lots of 4x4 triallers who would die to find out how the "Land-Rover" owner managed to achieve that much ground clearance! 
