Sunday 19 August 2007

Regs online

What a great way of recieving the regs for the Exe Valley on line, I duly down loaded the info and printed off two copies for Mike who is not hooked up. 10 sides of A4 later, entry posted with 2 SAE envelopes for running list and results.
Now through the post comes my entry form inviting me to enter!!!
As we move into the online world is it not about time we can enter online, running list and results e-mailled and do away with all this paper.

1 comment:

  1. the last time i trusted the modern way it crashed ,I was lucky to get a entry in on time for the LE ,so I for one am not happy to rely on this system and would sooner see the regs drop through the letter box allthough the relibility of the post can be just the same
