Monday 18 March 2002

Gentler Classics

I was wondering whether I could prey on your collective knowledge.

I have just bought a mini as a general competition car, for pcts, autotests, classics etc, however I have found previously using my old midget that a lot of classics are really just far too rough for a mini. The MCC ones, particuarly in 2000 was way to rough.

I enjoy classics, and enjoy doing them in a mini (although not always successfully!!), but I don't enjoy it when they are so rough I risk writing off the shell.

What classics are in your opinion, gentle, non car breaking ones??

The car will be prepared for trials so I'm not looking for pct smooth ones, but not car breakers either.



  1. Hi Simon   Michael's "Rough Guide" on the main Classical Gas site is a good place to start looking.   The Allen Trial at the beginning of December is a very good trial but it is reflected in size the entry so be quick when the regs arrive.   Mark    

  2. Hello Simon As you say you enjoy the classics, then I suggest the best way forward is to sell the mini which is not suitable for trialing ie. wheels too small, lack of ground clearance and a very vunnerable gearbox caseing and select a car with a fighting chance and then you can enjoy all of the events.                                                Dave.

  3. Thanks for the replies so far. I'll check out the main classical gas site. I'm afraid the mini is here to stay for a number of reasons. I have been heavily involved in mini's for a number of years so have a lot of parts already for them. They are not the most suitable for all classics, but as a general competition car they are hard to beat, certainly they are good at pct's, and you find me a better standard car for Autotests !! (). They are also a practical road car when prepared. cheers Simon
