Friday 20 September 2002

Edinburgh Map

I am having problems with the map of the Edinburgh Route at
In can see the small scale map OK but when I try to open the large scale one it doesn't!
Any one else have this problem?


  1. Yes Michael, me too. The large map just won't display.   Andrea

  2. Simon - I assume that everyone else has this problem but you! - could you have a look at it? Now when I say everyone but you I am not really being scarcastic. I know from my own experience as a Webmaster that if you check your site on your own computer and it can't find a file at the ISP it loads it from your own hard disk and all appears to be well. The way I tell if this is happening is the speed and also you can see the source from the "Address Bar".   Michael

  3. Simon,   I have had further technical thoughts on this. I see the file name has spaces or under-scores. eg Big_Picture. I have had problems with this in the past when uploading files, so I now always make sure I have no spaces eg BigPicture. Certainly when using thumbnails this has been a problem but I only find out when either someboddy else tells me or more often when I look at the web site on a different computer at the day job. This is because on the machine I uploaded from the browser loads the file from there if it can't find it on the web.   Michael

  4. Having managed to open the map ,it is a bit like the Curate's egg- alright in parts. I don't think I shall be following that route or its disqualification time ( again) .       John Lees.

  5. John,   Yes I can open it now. Don't know if it was me before or if Simon has tweeked it.   Anyway Simon, many thanks for taking the time to do it. Like John I don't think we will be using it on the event but it's fun to follow the route in the comfort of the living room!   Michael
