Wednesday 30 January 2008

Exeter on Fifth Gear

As Mark has discovered, Fifth Gear are aleady previewing next week's show.  In case you didn't know I am told that The Exeter Trial will be the main feature.  Follow this link to see the preview and some action shots of the car :
I will post a clarification reply about driving 22 hours non-stop and driving on bridleways in the next few days.


  1. 8pm Monday 4th February, Channel 5.

  2. any body know why it wont play I dont seem to be able to get past the first few seconds of play

  3. Adrian - Do you have broadband? Without it you haven't got the speed to use YouTube. If you do have broadband restart the computer to clean up the memory and try again.   Michael

  4. thanks ,it still wouldnt play but i clicked on the mcc news of the week and it played , humm, ill wait till ive seen the tv program before i comment .

  5. ttt...just in case you'd forgotten...

  6. Well I think they only said Bridleway once, said stage several times and insisted it was 24 hours. All in all a fair record I thought, if a little sensationalised, but that's TV for you.


  7. Did anybody suss which was the first hill they failed? Normans?
    It was in the dark and had A boards on it.
    Having not done the Exeter for a few years I was struggling to recognise the hills
    Sims & Fingle were obvious but I struggled with the others and unfortunately he didn't mention any names


    Subject: Re: Exeter on Fifth Gear
    Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 14:55:16 -0800

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    New Message on Classical Gas, For Trials enthusiasts

    <a target="_top" href="

  8. Provisional results show them failing Normans, Clinton & simms.  Personally I'm very happy that they didn't broadcast the names of our favourite hills on national telly, especially as the show will be repeated on digitial channels for years to come.  I also think the spirit in which they accepted the discrepancy between the result they thought they had and the result they actually got was an example to us all...I couldn't see Clarkson and his mates taking something like that in such good humour.   The MCC website usually has in the region of 120 visitors per day.  By 11pm last night the figure for 4th Feb had passed the 500 mark...     Some good further info and pix on their website...    

  9. It was good and reflected the spirit of trials pretty well,
    I thought. Reminded me when I took Mike Scarlett from Autocar on the Lands End
    in 1972, he did a 4 page report and this can only help our cause that we are a responsible
    bunch to keep the activists at bay. The other report-Why did I sell my Lotus
    Carlton after 3 years with 40,000 miles on it for 」17,000, now worth
    」40K. There you go-would have been a crap trials car anyway.





  10. I thought that it looked like they enjoyed the event and more importantly enjoyed after as much - they both had big grins at the end of the feature, which is why we all do it isnt it?

    It has to be good coverage, but did they mention that the Exeter trial was organised by the MCC or just referred to the trial name?

  11. Duncan - I don't think that they actually mentioned the MCC once, but I wouldn't worry about it. As Ian says above, the MCC website was red hot last night and today looks like going the same way, although the numbers will be spread over 24 hours rather than three-and-a-half (the rapid increase in hits started immediately the Exeter Trial spot finished and we ended-up with five times the normal daily site traffic). Most new visitors are coming in via the link on the Fifth Gear site, followed by a huge increase in people finding us via Google and other search engines. The most interesting statistic is that a significant number of these new visitors are staying on the site for some time and trawling through all the pages about Membership and Getting Started.   Andrew

  12. Irrespective of what they did or didn't say or mention, I thought the report was good and did our sport no harm at all. Much as I do enjoy the jovial rubbish, I believe the Top Gear crew would have treated it with disdain and made a mockery it. By contrast, I felt they genuinely admired and respected what we do. I believe nothing but good will come of it.   Nigel Jones/Skoda/Exeter/car 120 

  13. If my memory serves me correctly, and it may not as I'm nearly 50 and prone to senior moments now, Mr CLarkson did the Lands End many years ago in a Dutton Phaeton as a passenger of John Boswell. Clarkson was terrified by the whole experience.

    This was so long ago it was the traditional top gear where that bloke in the tank top who had an MGB (Chris Goffey?) reviewed the latest offerings from Daewoo outside a stately home.

    So I think Top Gear have already been there and didn't like it.


  14. Posted on behalf of Claire Oakes:-

    Looking at your message board I see that "grahamskoda" thought Jeremy Clarkson did the Lands End with John Boswell in a Dutton Phaeton. He has got two out of three correct, but the wrong gender for the passenger. It was Carol Woodham as navigator. Tony Mason did the report for the BBC & the anchor man at the studio was ?? the name escapes me at the moment, but he looked like David Gower the cricketer.
    ps. John did the trial on 13 ins wheels

  15. William Woollard.  To read about his 'alarmingly swoopy hairstyle and raffish taste in anoraks' check this out:   You can ignore the comments on the VW beetle....we all know it's not true... 

  16. Fifth Gear repeated today, Saturday, at 11.30 am in case you missed it, want to see it again or your recorder malfunctioned...

  17. For those of you who, like me, do not get Channel 5 you may be interested to know that the piracy enthusiasts have struck, and the important footage can now be seen on You-Tube.    Part 1   Part 2   Or you could watch the whole thing in one go, but this version misses the prologue and epilogue and therefore has no VBH factor.
