Thursday 24 January 2008

Peking to Paris Rally on Travel Channel

The 2007 Peking to Paris Rally is going to be shown on the Travel Channel from this Sunday 27th January for 10 weeks at 9pm.


Two places to look for more information on the Travel Channel website.


Description and a short advert of the series: 

Some question & answers from the video diarists.

Many of you have asked me lots of questions about my experience on the Rally, so here is another opportunity to see what we experienced, saw and overcame.
Nicola Wainwright
(Navigator & Mechanic in Car 118 - 1960 Sunbeam Rapier.)


  1. Hi Nicola - I think this is only on Sky. I'm one of those meanies that won't line the pockets of Messrs Murdoch or Branson. Will there be a DVD? - Michael

  2. There is a dvd but its only about 25 minutes worth and I dont think its really worth the money. Best bet is to see if you can get someone to record the programmes for you.

  3. Hi Michael   I have emailed the Director & Camera Man of the Series, Jack & John, asking when they think there will be a DVD out of the Peking to Paris series that is being shown on the Travl Channel. So I will know more soon. As for the DVD John is talking about, is the DVD that Philip Young, who organsied the Rally made. Yes for the amount of days we were on the Rally that one is disapointing in the amount of time it is for the cost. It does show fantastic scenery.
    I'll let you know more information soon.   Nicola

  4. Hi I have recieved an email back from John. He says he is currently working on sorting out a website to buy the DVD from and getting all the art work and processing done. John said the full series will be available form the website in about 3-4 weeks time. I'll keep you posted as to the website when John gives it to me.   thanks Nicola
